Forza Horizon 4 Steam Port

Project Details




-Proprietary (C++)




This was my first large AAA project which I have worked on. My role was to work as a part of a small team to port Forza Horizon 4 from UWP (Universal Windows Platform) to Steam (Win64). This was a great experience as I was able to learn from a wide range of experienced programmers.

What I did

Some of the tasks that I was involved with were setting up rich presence for the Xbox game bar, helping with porting network code, minor UI changes and implementing DInput within the proprietary game engine.


Adding Dinput into the game for wheel support was the biggest area I worked on. I enjoyed the challenge this gave me as well as the experience I was able to gain from it. This task allowed me to see into new areas of code which I had not seen before along with being able to see how internal systems such as input systems are implemented for multiple platforms.

There were some challenges from this task. The main one being I had never touched DInput before. With this challenge I went around it by not only referencing the documentation but also downloading and setting up some of the sample projects which are included with DX9.

Another challenge which came with this task was working in a large codebase. Previously I have only every worked in Unity projects which from my experience are a lot smaller and more manageable. This meant when adding DInput in I had to move from file to file often.

If you have any question or suggests about this project or any other project please do not hesitate to contract me.


Programmer who has worked at Sumo Digital Nottingham/Leaminton, Playground Games and Unity.